12/3/2020 – ** UPDATE/CORRECTION ** KFS Reminder – COVID Expenses

December 15, 2020

Correction: As I’m sure many of you realized, the IAA eDoc has been replaced by the GLT (General Ledger Transfer). Please see corrected language highlighted below. Sorry for any confusion.


As a reminder, expenses relating to COVID should be coded in KFS using Project Code COVID19. It will be extremely helpful to have any current purchases related to COVID posted to KFS prior to December 30th for reporting purposes.


Some examples of the types of expenses related to COVID are:

  1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  2. Purchasing of equipment to work remotely (Computers, cables, iPads, etc)
  3. Purchase of additional cleaning materials to clean offices, bathrooms, doors, etc.
  4. Additional services needed from vendors for facility services and housekeeping, etc.
  5. Supplies or services related to distance learning.

So for transactions that have already posted to the general ledger that should have had the COVID19 project code, please submit the correction to add the COVID19 code via a GLT eDoc in KFS prior to December 30, 2020.

Instructions on the GLT can be found at this link: GLT Procedure Guide   If the link does not work for you, please visit https://pmo.its.uconn.edu/training/ and click on “Access Our Knowledgebase.” All KFS learning tools and procedure guides are listed on that page.

Thank you,

Office of Budget & Planning

9/26/2020 – Kuali Upgrade on Sept 26, 2020!!!

September 22, 2020

The KFS team is pleased to announce the upgraded Kuali Financials application will go live on Saturday, September 26th, 2020. This is the culmination of nine months of dedicated effort by the project team, technical team,  functional subject matter experts, and department fiscal contacts. The upgraded Kuali Financials will provide an updated look and feel, a enhanced navigation bar, and new features such as improved lookups and the General Ledger Transfer functionality.


You can find updated documentation on the system here under “KFS Job Aids – Learning Tools”: https://pmo.its.uconn.edu/knowledgebase/


A tutorial video for the General Ledger Transfer feature is available here:



The project team will also be providing open support sessions via WebEx beginning the week of September 28th. A follow-up communication will be sent with additional details.


We look forward to providing you with an improved Kuali Financials experience.


Thank you.


-The KFS Project Team

8/27/2020 – Central Budget Adjustment Update

September 9, 2020

From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Budget – Budget Office
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2020 11:06 AM
Subject: Central Budget Adjustment Update


Central Budget Adjustment Update

All of the items below only apply to University Supported (OPTUI) 2-Ledger accounts:

  • UCPEA/CLASSIFIED Increases (eff June/July) – Both permanent and one-time (if applicable) funding has been transferred into departmental accounts. Remember – any UCPEA One Time Performance Award (OTPA) expenses and funding hit directly on a central account so those payments will not be visible in the departmental accounts.
  • AAUP Increases (eff 8/23) – Permanent funding will be transferred during the third week of September.
  • UCPEA Classification Project (Career Paths) – Permanent funding for any UCPEA employee who received a salary increase as a result of the reclassification project will be transferred by mid-September.
  • Management Furloughs – Next week, we will remove the equivalent one-time funding for the full 12 or 24 day furlough savings from departmental accounts based on a file from early July. Payroll encumbrances (on all types of accounts) will also be adjusted next week, accounting for the anticipated reduction of pay.
  • 2-Ledger Carryforward FY20 balances have carried forward into FY21. The one-time transfers to pull back funding above the carryforward CAP will be processed by Monday. The CAP for FY20 balances is 2.5% for academic areas (reporting to Provost) and .5% for administrative areas (reporting to President and EVPA &CFO).

If you have any questions, please reach out to your assigned budget analyst.

~Office of Budget & Planning

7/10/2020 – Updated Object Code Guides

From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 2:10 PM
Subject: Updated Object Code Guides

The following guides have been updated for Fiscal Year 2021, and can be found at: https://accountingoffice.uconn.edu/oversight-of-kfs-object-codes/


KFS Asset, Liability & Fund Balance Object Codes Descriptions
KFS Expense Object Codes Descriptions
KFS Revenue Object Codes Descriptions


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the guides or object code usage.

Thank you,



Annette Pavone, CPA

Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization

Accounting Office

University of Connecticut

343 Mansfield Road

Storrs, CT 06269-1074

Phone (860) 486-2934

6/16/2020 – New Project Code: HOME

From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 4:38 PM
Subject: New Project Code: HOME

To All P-Card Reconcilers and Fiscal Officers:

Please include the Project Code HOME on purchases of items that are being sent to people’s homes. This includes any IT peripherals, small equipment items, computers, and other items that will need to return to campus once people stop working from home.

The COVID19 project code should continue to be used for items that are directly related to the pandemic. The HOME object code is for items that would have been purchased regardless, but are being shipped to a personal residence due to stay-at-home orders.

Please contact me with any questions about these codes.

Thank you,



Annette Pavone, CPA

Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization

Accounting Office

University of Connecticut

343 Mansfield Road

Storrs, CT 06269-1074

Phone (860) 486-2934