6/5/2020 – Steps to close an account

September 9, 2020

From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
Sent: Friday, June 5, 2020 9:34 AM
Subject: Steps to close an account

If you are looking to close an account effective for FY21, the following steps 1 – 3 need to be completed before June 30, 2020. To close a grant account (sub-fund = RSTSP, UNRSF, UNRSP), please contact SPS. For all other accounts, please follow the directions below:

1.The Account must have no balance sheet amounts remaining, so be sure that all account activity is complete. Then initiate a Transfer of Funds e-doc (TF) to move any remaining available cash (1100 object code) out of the account. Be sure to use the correct transfer object codes 32XX and 33XX on the TF. Once the TF has been completed (prior to June 30th), the account can be closed only after year end processing has occurred (in August). For more information, contact the Accounting Office.

2.There should be no open encumbrances in an account, so make sure that all purchase orders are either closed or amended to include a different account. On the Open Encumbrances inquiry, the Outstanding Amounts should all be zero. For more information, contact Purchasing.

3.Eliminate any current or base budgets in KFS by initiating a Single Sided Budget Adjustment. For more information, contact your Budget Analyst.

The following step should be completed after the final close of FY20 has been completed, at the end of August:

4.After all of these steps are done, and the final close of FY20 has been completed at the end of August, initiate an Account edit eDoc (search for the account, then click edit):

a. Choose an expiration date (today or later than today)
b. Click the “closed” box on the Account Maintenance tab
c. Enter a Continuation Chart of Accounts Code and a Continuation Account Number on the Account Responsibility tab


Annette Pavone, CPA

Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization

Accounting Office

University of Connecticut

343 Mansfield Road

Storrs, CT 06269-1074

Phone (860) 486-2934

6/3/2020 – Fiscal Officer Account Delegations

From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 2:22 PM
Subject: Fiscal Officer Account Delegations

Are you a Fiscal Officer who is planning a Spring or Summer vacation? (Or maybe just some time off from telecommuting?) Please be sure that your accounts have a delegate who can approve eDocs on your behalf so that eDocs do not get stuck in Workflow. The Accounting Office recommends having a permanent secondary delegation on your accounts, and also recommends delegating “UP” to a supervisor when possible. Keep in mind that the Fiscal Officer is responsible for actions taken on their behalf.

There are 2 reports in KFDM to help you with your delegations (Standard Reports ~ KIM folder):

Missing Account Delegations: This report will show all of your accounts where no delegation is set up.

Account Delegations Summary: This report will show current active delegations. You can run it by:

Fiscal Officer NetID

Parent Organization



Delegate NetID

To set up delegations for multiple accounts, use the Account Delegate Global eDoc. To set up a delegation on only one account, use the Account Delegate eDoc.

As a reminder: The Account Delegate Global eDoc will override any existing delegations; the Account Delegate eDoc will not override any existing delegations.

For answers to your questions about delegations, please see the Delegations topic here: https://pmo.its.uconn.edu/knowledgebase/faqs/ , or you may contact me directly.

Thank you, and enjoy your time off!


Annette Pavone, CPA

Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization

Accounting Office

University of Connecticut

343 Mansfield Road

Storrs, CT 06269-1074

Phone (860) 486-2934

4/27/2018 – Fiscal Officer Account Delegations

April 27, 2018

Are you a Fiscal Officer who is planning a Spring or Summer vacation? Please be sure that your accounts have a delegate who can approve eDocs on your behalf so that eDocs do not get stuck in Workflow. The Accounting Office recommends having a permanent secondary delegation on your accounts, and also recommends delegating “UP” to a supervisor when possible. Keep in mind that the Fiscal Officer is responsible for actions taken on their behalf.

There are 2 reports in KFDM to help you with your delegations (Standard Reports ~ KIM folder):

Missing Account Delegations: This report will show all of your accounts where no delegation is set up

Account Delegations Summary: This report will show current active delegations. You can run it by:

Fiscal Officer NetID

Parent Organization



Delegate NetID

To set up delegations for multiple accounts, use the Account Delegate Global eDoc. To set up a delegation on only one account, use the Account Delegate eDoc.

For answers to your questions about delegations, please see the Delegations topic here:  https://financialapps.its.uconn.edu/request-forms/faqs/, or you may contact me directly.

Thank you, and enjoy those vacations!



Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934

4/19/2018 – Annual Year-End Deadlines

April 19, 2018

Annual Year-End Deadlines

The annual notice of financial year-end deadlines for contracts, commitments, expenditures and other transactions is located at the following link: https://controller.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/1123/2018/04/EYD2018.pdf .  Your attention to and assistance in meeting these deadlines is necessary to ensure an orderly closing of University financial records and the audit of the financial statements that ensues following the close.  As with any close of a fiscal year, the Finance team members are committed to assisting you with your procurement and reimbursement needs.  We will continue to process all documents in accordance with Federal, State and University requirements, in support of operational, educational and research activities during this period.

For more information, contact: Charles H. Eaton, CPA, Controller, University of Connecticut, 343 Mansfield Road, Unit 1074, Storrs, at 860-486-0865. Please see link above for additional contacts.

Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934