4/12/2017 – Tips on Managing Controllable Property

April 12, 2017

5 Quick Facts about Controllable Property:

  1. Controllable Property includes ALL computers, and other items that are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone (laptops, tablets, Notebooks, cameras, projectors, etc.) and other items deemed controllable by the department.
  2. Controllable Property has a cost of under $5,000 (no minimum)
  3. A standard report “Controllable Property” is in the Capital Assets folder in KFDM
  4. Individual departments are responsible for tracking Controllable Property
  5. The KFS Object Code for Controllable Property is 8306

Part 4 of 5:

Tips on Managing Controllable Property / the Controllable Property Standard Report 

Each department is responsible for tracking and maintaining a list of their own Controllable Property. All Controllable Property* is listed in the KFS CAM (Capital Asset Management) module, and a corresponding KFDM standard report is available.

To access the standard report, log into WebFocus, and go to:

KFDM> Standard Reports > Capital Assets > Controllable Property

The report provides several parameter options, and can be filtered by location (building and room), or by the time since last inventoried. Like other standard reports, it can be downloaded into Excel or in PDF.

The report lists several fields including tag number, description, manufacturer, model number, serial number, location (building and room), owner organization, condition, asset create date, last inventory date, loan status, PO number, and the organization inventory name (custodian).

When running the report, you will likely find that many fields may be missing or incorrect. The department’s CAM Processor** has the ability to change any of these fields by using the KFS Asset Edit function. To do this, go to:

KFS > Main Menu > Lookup and Maintenance > Capital Asset Management > Asset

Look up the asset using the tag number, and click “edit” to open an Asset eDoc. To add or change the custodian (Organization Inventory Name), click on the Organization Information tab.

If an asset no longer exists, you may change the status from “N – Non-Capital Active” to “O – Non-Capital Retired.” This does not remove the requirement to properly surplus items. However, if you are sure that certain items were surplused, you should not leave them on the list. When changing the status from N to O, please provide as much information as possible about when the items were surplused, and provide a copy or number of an ACT-39 form, if available.

If an item was lost, damaged, or stolen, please follow the directions found here: Loss or Damage to Equipment

We understand that the initial cleanup of your list of Controllable Property may be time-consuming. Once it is cleaned up, we recommend monitoring the list regularly to make sure the information is correct and up-to-date.

Questions? Need help? Contact Inventory Control at InventoryControl@uconn.edu, give us a call, or visit our website http://accountingoffice.uconn.edu/913-2/

*Computers with a cost under $1,000 purchased prior to 7/1/15 may not be on the list. Contact Inventory Control if you would like tags sent to you for these items.

**To have the KFS CAM Processor role added to your profile, please go to financesystems.uconn.edu and complete the Additional Functional Request form found under Request Forms.

Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570

2/15/2017 – Tips on Approving Controllable Property

February 15, 2017

5 Quick Facts about Controllable Property:

  1. Controllable Property includes ALL computers, and other items that are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone (laptops, tablets, Notebooks, cameras, projectors, etc.) and other items deemed controllable by the department.
  2. Controllable Property has a cost of under $5,000 (no minimum)
  3. A standard report “Controllable Property” is in the Capital Assets folder in KFDM
  4. Individual departments are responsible for tracking Controllable Property
  5. The KFS Object Code for Controllable Property is 8306

Part 3 of 5:

Tips on Approving New Controllable Property (Asset Global Add) eDocs

The KFS Fiscal Officer on the Department Owner KFS account will receive an Asset Global (AA) eDoc in their action list. This is the eDoc that creates the asset record.

The approvers of this eDoc should verify that the following fields are correct:

Asset Location (Campus, Building Code, Building Room Number)

Organization Inventory Name (Custodian*)

If several computers are purchased at once, a single person may be listed as the custodian of all of the computers. Please take the time to update each asset record to the correct person.

Alternatively, an Asset Edit can be done later by the CAM Processor** to change the Custodian and the Asset Location (one asset at a time). To do this, go to:

KFS > Main Menu > Lookup and Maintenance > Capital Asset Management > Asset

Look up the asset using the tag number, and click “edit” to open an Asset eDoc. To add or change the custodian (Organization Inventory Name), click on the Organization Information tab.

The tag number(s) sent to the department will be on the eDoc, and the PO number or P-Card eDoc number will be listed in the “National Stock Number” field.

Questions? Need help? Contact Inventory Control at InventoryControl@uconn.edu, give us a call, or visit our website http://accountingoffice.uconn.edu/913-2/

*The Custodian is the person who is in possession of the equipment, is responsible for safeguarding the equipment, and is aware of the equipment’s location.

**To have the KFS CAM Processor role (Role #6) added to your KFS profile, please go to financesystems.uconn.edu and complete the Additional Functional Request form found under Request Forms.

Next Month’s Topic: Tips on Managing Controllable Property / the Controllable Property Standard Report

Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570

1/6/2017 – Tips on Purchasing Controllable Property

5 Quick Facts about Controllable Property:

  1. Controllable Property includes ALL computers, and other items that are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone (laptops, tablets, Notebooks, cameras, projectors, etc.) and other items deemed controllable by the department.
  2. Controllable Property has a cost of under $5,000 (no minimum)
  3. A standard report “Controllable Property” is in the Capital Assets folder in KFDM
  4. Individual departments are responsible for tracking Controllable Property
  5. The KFS Object Code for Controllable Property is 8306

Part 2 of 5:

Tips on Purchasing Controllable Property

Controllable Property should be coded to object code 8306 Controllable Property Equipment <$5,000 in KFS.  Inventory Control will create asset records for all items on Purchase Orders using this object code. Inventory Control will also send out tags to whoever is listed as the “Delivery To” person on the purchase order. Dell computers will generally arrive pre-tagged, so no tags will be sent.

If Controllable Property is purchased using a P-Card, Inventory Control will create an asset record and send out a tag to the department.

If a General Error Correction (GEC) or a Distribution of Income and Expense (DI) is used to change the coding TO 8306 on a transaction, please notify Inventory Control so that an asset record can be created and a tag mailed out.

Questions? Need help? Contact Inventory Control at InventoryControl@uconn.edu, or give us a call.

Next Topic: Approving New Controllable Property (Asset Global Add) eDocs


Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570

11/29/2016 – Tips on Categorizing Controllable Property

November 29, 2016

5 Quick Facts about Controllable Property:

  1. Controllable Property includes ALL computers, and other items that are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone (laptops, tablets, Notebooks, cameras, projectors, etc.) and other items deemed controllable by the department.
  2. Controllable Property has a cost of under $5,000 (no minimum)
  3. A standard report “Controllable Property” is in the Capital Assets folder in KFDM
  4. Individual departments are responsible for tracking Controllable Property
  5. The KFS Object Code for Controllable Property is 8306

Part 1 of 5:

Tips on Categorizing Controllable Property

Controllable Property is tangible personal property with a cost under $5,000. It includes items that are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone in nature. These items are prone to theft because they are either not secured, are easily portable, contain new technology, contain sensitive data, and/or they are adaptable for personal use.

All computers (desktops, laptops, Tablets, Notebooks) are considered controllable. Each department should use discretion to determine which other types of items should be categorized as controllable. This may differ from one department to another.

Other types of equipment that may be considered controllable include:

Audiovisual equipment
Communication equipment
Cellular phones
External hard drives
Scientific equipment

It is possible that an item that is considered controllable in one department may not be controllable in another department. Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1:

A projector that is on a cart and moved from one room to another with several potential users: Controllable.
A projector that is installed in a ceiling in a locked room: Not Controllable.

Example 2:

A microscope in an open lab with widespread access: Controllable.
A microscope in a locked lab with limited access: Not Controllable.

Again, each department should assess which items should be controllable in their area depending on their business environment and the risk that certain items may be stolen.

Next Month’s Topic: Purchasing Controllable Property


Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570

9/15/2016 – KFS Organizational Restructure

September 15, 2016

Good Morning,

As a result of the Core-CT implementation, the new HR/Payroll system will now be the system of record for UConn’s departmental hierarchy. The current 5-tiered structure housed in the Kuali Financial System (KFS) is being replaced by an 8-tiered structure to be consistent with the Core-CT departmental hierarchy.  This change will take effect on 9/16 in KFS and will be reflected in KFDM on 9/17.  The MUD Table departmental hierarchy will remain intact within Genesys until the conversion to Core-CT on 9/26.

At the close of business on 9/16 we will execute the changes in KFS to update the department hierarchy to be reflective of the structure below.  In addition, users will be assigned new security permissions based on the responses we received from Organization Heads.

Currently in KFS Core-CT
(U) University

(E) Executive Level

(V) Division/Unit

(D) Department

(B) Sub-Department

(U) UOC-PRES – University

(4) UOC-DIVS – Division

(5) UOC-VP-CAB – VP / Cabinet

(6) UOC-AVP-DN – AVP / Dean

(7) UOC-DISGRP – Discipline/Grouping/Assoc Dean

(8) UOC-DEPT – Department

(9) UOC-SBDPT1 – Sub-Department 1

(T) UOC-SBDPT2 – Sub-Department 2


In preparation for this change, many of the KFDM standard reports will be updated on 9/17 with an additional filter which allows users the flexibility to select just a specific organization or all organizations which report to it.  Previously the only option was to select an organization and return all results within that organization including those which report to it.  It was necessary to add this filter so departments could get reports on accounts from higher level organizations without having to pull all subordinate organizations as well.  If you have custom written reports in KFDM which use this org hierarchy filter logic, please make note of this change as your reports may need to be updated.

Next Monday you will receive additional information, including a link to the new organizational structure.

Support and Questions:

The Finance Systems Team and KFS Subject Matter Experts have taken extra care to ensure this transition to the Core-CT departmental structure is as smooth as possible.  However, if systemic or security issues do arise, we stand ready to assist you.  If you encounter any KFS problems resulting from this change, please contact the Finance Systems Team through the UITS Help Center at 860-486-4357 or enter at ticket at http://serviceit.uconn.edu.

Thank you,

The Finance Systems Team