8/23/2016 – KFS 2016 Final Close

August 23, 2016

To All KFS and KFDM Users: 

The Final Close for Fiscal Year 2016 will take place tomorrow night, Wednesday, August 24, 2016. KFS will be unavailable beginning at 5 pm.  By Thursday morning, August 25th, final balances from 2016 will be carried over into Fiscal Year 2017 as beginning balances. These amounts will no longer be seen as pending entries in Fiscal Year 2017; they will be final and posted amounts.  

For contract and grant accounts, ending balances for 2016 will be seen in the “Contracts Grants Beginning Balance Amount” field on the General Ledger Balance Lookup for 2017. 

For all other account types, ending balances for 2016 will be seen in the “Beginning Balance Line Amount” field on the General Ledger Balance Lookup for 2017. 

The Kuali Financial Data Mart (KFDM) will also be updated to include the beginning balances for Fiscal Year 2017. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Annette Pavone at 486-2934 or Robin Hoagland at 486-3780.

Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570
Description: Description: Description: Kuali.png

7/1/2016 – Happy New Year! Fiscal Year 2017 is now open for processing.

July 1, 2016

KFS is now open for Fiscal Year 2017 Processing. Happy New Fiscal Year!

As you begin to look at balances on your accounts in KFS, please note the following:

1. Although Fiscal Year 2017 is the default on balance inquiries, you have the option to change the date to Fiscal Year 2016 by typing over 2017.

2. When looking at Fiscal Year 2016 balances on the “General Ledger Balance” inquiry, there is an additional period called “Year End.” This is where you will see any activity posted after June 30, 2016 that relates to Fiscal Year 2016. On the General Ledger Entry inquiry, you will see these transactions in Fiscal Period “13.”

3. Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Balances are loaded for all 2-ledger, 3-ledger, and Fiscal 4-ledger accounts. (Sub-funds OPTUI, OPOTF, and OPAUX). Budgets for project accounts are scheduled to be updated tonight as pending entries (see #4 below). Processing for all accounts should continue as necessary.

4. KFS has the ability to show the prior year balances carried over into the new fiscal year. Ending balances from Fiscal Year 2016, which are scheduled to be loaded tonight as pending entries, will be regularly updated into Fiscal Year 2017 until the final close in August.

5. Encumbrances:

   a. New Fiscal Year 2017 external encumbrances (Purchase Orders) are in KFS.

   b. Prior Year external encumbrances that are carried forward into Fiscal Year 2017 are also in KFS.

   c. Fiscal Year 2017 payroll encumbrances are scheduled to be loaded within the next couple of days.

If you have any questions, please contact Annette Pavone at 486-2934.


Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570Description: Description: Description: Kuali.png

6/23/2016 – Approval of eDocs as a Secondary Delegate

June 24, 2016

It has recently come to our attention that there are many enroute eDocs that can be approved by a Secondary Delegate. In many instances, the Secondary Delegate must approve the document because the Fiscal Officer has retired, or is on an extended absence.  Even if the Fiscal Officer has since been updated, eDocs that are routed to the original Fiscal Officer may still be awaiting action.

We are requesting that people check their Delegation Filter at the top right of the KFS Screen to see if there are items that need to be approved.  It will be sorted by name, but you can also choose “All Secondary Delegations”.


Note: If you do not see this filter at the top of your action list, it means you do not have any items to approve as a delegate. The filter appears and re-appears as needed.

If you have any questions about routing and delegations, please contact Annette Pavone at 486-2934.

Thank you,



Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934

Fax: (860) 486-0570

For Kuali Project Information please visit www.financesystems.uconn.edu

6/20/2016 – KFS 2016 Final Close

June 22, 2016

To All KFS Users: 

In preparation for the close of fiscal year 2016 and the opening of fiscal year 2017 in KFS, please make note of the following: 

1. KFS will be shut down at 5:00 pm on Thursday, June 30th.

2. KFS will be available Friday morning, July 1st for fiscal year 2017 processing. 

3. eDocs that were routed to the central processing offices (Accounting, Accounts Payable, etc.) by the deadlines specified in the Controller Memo will be posted to fiscal year 2016, as well as any eDocs that missed these deadlines to the extent time permits. Fiscal year 2016 eDocs not finalized before June 30th will be rolled over and posted in fiscal year 2017 when finalized. 

4. Certain eDocs submitted after June 30 will be posted back to fiscal year 2016 by central offices, and you will notice these being reflected in fiscal year 2016. If you have an eDoc that you believe should be posted to fiscal year 2016, (for example, to clean up a deficit account), please specify this on the eDoc before you submit it. 

If you have any questions, please contact Robin Hoagland (486-3780) or Annette Pavone (486-2934). 


Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570Description: Description: Description: Kuali.png

For Kuali Project Information please visit www.financesystems.uconn.edu

6/2/2016 – KFS eDocs needing approval

To All KFS Users:

As you know, the end of fiscal year 2016 is quickly approaching. For an orderly close of KFS, there is a need for all FY16 KFS eDocs to be finalized before the end of June. There are eDocs in KFS that have a status of “enroute” – some of these are several months old.  A document that is “enroute” is waiting for approval by someone. Every KFS User is being asked to do the following:

  1. Check your Action List regularly, and look in the “Action Requested” column for items that say “Approve.”  You may also utilize the “My KFS” tab to see eDocs in your action list sorted and filtered by document type. Open up each eDoc, and approve or disapprove it as appropriate. Once you take the action requested, the eDoc will disappear from your Action List, and move on to the next approver or to Final or Processed status. For more information about managing your Action List, and for details on other Route Statuses and other Actions Requested, please see KFS FAQ’s  (Action List) and the Action List Tutorial Video.
  2. We also ask that you find eDocs that you have initiated that are still enroute, and have not yet routed to a central department such as Accounts Payable or Accounting.  (Many of you do not initiate eDocs so this does not apply.)  For these eDocs, look at the route log to see whose action list it is in, and contact that person to remind them to take action on the eDoc.
  3.  To find your enroute eDocs:
  • Click on the “doc search” button
  • Click on the “detailed search” button
  • Enter your netid in the Initiator box
  • In the Route Status box, choose “ENROUTE”
  • Optional: Name this search by entering “My enroute eDocs,” for example, in the “Name this search” box. To easily re-create this search in the future, use the Searches dropdown list.
  • Click “search”
  • To see the route log on an eDoc:
    1. Open up the eDoc and go to the Route Log tab, or
    2. Click on the “Route Log” icon in the far right column. This will open up only the route log.
  • In the Pending Action Requests area, look for “IN ACTION LIST APPROVE” – this is where the eDoc is currently waiting for action. If it is a group, you can click on the group name to see the individual members in this group.

If you are unable to approve an eDoc that it is your action list, or if you encounter any other issues, please go to http://financesystems.uconn.edu/ and click on “Help & Support.”  Please provide the eDoc number, and a description of the error that you are receiving.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Annette Pavone, CPA
KFS Functional Coordinator & Accounting Manager
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone: (860) 486-2934
Fax: (860) 486-0570


For Kuali Project Information please visit www.financesystems.uconn.edu